Tokoin_ Provides Transparency Through Accurate Shipping Information - mr.sethex



Senin, 26 Agustus 2019

Tokoin_ Provides Transparency Through Accurate Shipping Information

Hey, hello everyone, crypto bro! Every day, on the pages of my blog, I publish various interesting reviews about all kinds of promising and potentially profitable blockchain projects, the creators of which try to maximize the potential of this technology and create products that are useful for the whole society and the world.
And today we are talking about just such a project. It is called Tokoin and is based in Indonesia, one of the fastest growing countries in the East Asian region.

The goal of the Tokoin project and its creators is to introduce a platform that will help entrepreneurs from the MSME sector (the smallest, small and medium-sized enterprises) to dare to open their projects, expand their scale and achieve greater success in their business. And this will be done using a digital identification system.
But first, let's see what problems exist in the modern world, at least in the Indonesian retail market, which the creator of the Tokoin platform will solve.

What Tokoin Manufacturers Want to Change

In many countries, including Indonesia, the situation with small and medium-sized companies - MSMEs - is rather sad, especially in the retail sector (from the UK retail - “retail”) and e-commerce. Large companies that do not allow small competitors working in the MSME sector are destroying a large market share for themselves.

Such entrepreneurs also have problems with banks. The fact is that often banks do not want to give loans and loans to small and medium-sized businesses, because they are afraid of their turnover and, as a result, of the inability to return their money.
Customers also rarely use retail from MSME, because they simply do not know about many companies and firms, due to their low publicity.
It is this list of problems that the creators of Tokoin hope to solve using their blockchain platform.

Thanks to Tokoin’s digital identity, MSME entrepreneurs will be able to build relationships with banks and partners much better, as they will see their full financial statements without fakes and, therefore, will be able to trust each other more. Also, trust in companies will increase on the part of buyers and customers. And, of course, the introduction of such a single base will help large corporations build more confident relations with small and medium-sized businesses in the future.

It is worth mentioning right away that the Tokoin platform will help MSME develop entrepreneurs not only working in the retail marketplace and e-commerce, but also using B2B and B2C business models.

In addition, Tokoin will also collaborate with many B2B partner firms that deal with logistics, warehouses, legal advice and more, so that young businesses can receive better services for the development of their companies.

The technical side of Tokoin
As I said earlier, the Tokoin platform runs on blockchain technology, which means creating a reliable, secure, and immutable database.
Also, the Tokoin platform will have its own token, which will be used for internal settlements within the application between various businesses, banks and partners.
Initially, to simplify the process of developing and launching the project, the TOKO token was struck on the Ethereum blockchain using the popular ERC 20 standard. Also, the creators were released the official app (App). However, the creators of Tokoin are now developing their own blockchain, to which the TOKO token will then be transferred, and Tokoin dApp will also be released. I won’t go into technical jungle, but I’ll just say that the Tokoin blockchain will work on the Proof of Stake consensus, which will help ensure its high scalability and transaction speed.

  • Reiner Rahardja: Co-Founder & CEO
  • Welly Salim: CTO
  • Eddy Christian Ng: COO
  • Niko Tanadi: Project Manager
  • Adi Darda Gaudiamo: Head of Creative
  • Ignasius Michael: Generalist Manager
  • Oktafia Putri: Community Manager
  • Mutia Anisa: Graphic Designer
  • Syifa Mutiara Putri: Event Coordinator
  • Stephanus Andreas: Operations Executive



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By (mr.sethex)

ETH : 0x0eD4C37fd51D3BE520a85cF513F175BA6b81D440

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